 a Dutch Aviation Media  2007 publication
Skydive Rotterdam, changes from Pilatus PC-6 to Cessna Caravan
Enjoy our small photo impression...
... when we were guest at SkyDive Rotterdam Airport !
Ed Groenen, pilot for Skydive gets the Porter out of the hangar on an early sundaymorning
Lots of things have to happen before flight, such as checking the Weather radar at Rotterdam AP
Also feeding the Grey-Redtail parrot Charlie. He sits next to the scanner and talks in frequencies ! 
Also instructing the autor Kees, what to expect when para's hang outside the plane !
When the parachutists arrive they do the last checks on their gear and on eachother
Finally it's time to get in the Porter, it's very narrow but it's also lot's of fun !
More or less like sardines in a tin-can, Ed Groenen taxies the PC-6 to the runway
But these are some last dives, since the Porter is replaced by the Cessna Caravan
We also follow the Cessna PH-BSU one sunny sunday with the Husky PH-KIS as photo-plane  
 Skydive logo on the tail of the Cessna Caravan, and the 'Pilots office'.
 One chair is mounted as extra seat for another extra skydiver
Ed explains about the special noise reducing propellor. 'We didn't have any complaints ever since' It's time to board now, and get up into the sky over Rotterdam
 Final checks again, and lets get moving, up and away !
 It's a large fuselage, Ed has no problem sometimes sleeping in it while abroad.
It's a nice plane, very suitable for the job. Rotterdam Airport, summer 2007 
The PH-BSU comes in for the first load of this day...
Ed flies the 'photo' PH-KIS today, and wears a cap so I have something to read in between...
The Caravan gets nearer, the door is opened now...
It's a funny sight, so near to this 'Para-bus' 
Flying over Rotterdam and the harbours, we finally reach the drop-zone marked with a 'T' 
We get very close now, the SkyDivers are ready...
... and they jump ! After all flights Ed has to do his registration of that day. 
Thank you Ed for your kind help, patience, and safe flights. many happy landings !
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