Koninklijke Luchtmacht in Mali

Dutch Aviation Media 2015
A new article for the independent leading Italian aviation magazine 'Aeronautica & Difesa'
The images in this article were provided bij Royal Netherlands Airforce (RNLAF)
Aeronautica reports in a six-pages article... 
Welcome to this photographic impression of Camp Castor and environment in Mali near Goa 
Overview of the sleepingtents
Watchful 24/7 is a necessity
Should it be neccessary there are FAC's available (Forward Air Controllers)
Preparing the Apache for flight...
Impressing machine !
Also marked as UN helicopter.
pThe International Airport of Bamako Senau.....
.....almost identical to Schiphol Amsterdam but slightly different......  ;-)
Most Apache actions were reconnaisance flights
Back into the desert-dust...(Image by Royal Netherlands Airforce, RNLAF)
Chinooks on patrol, always in two-ship formation with door- and tailgunners (Image by Royal Netherlands Airforce, RNLAF)
(Image: RNLAF)
(Image: RNLAF)
(Image: RNLAF)
(Image: RNLAF)
(Image: RNLAF)
(Image: RNLAF)
(Image: RNLAF)
The Locals feel better and more safe with the Dutch around
Also on the ground children dare to play, and run along the Dutch vehicles 
 This is how it should be everyday....
 ..... happy faces all over the country.
Not only the Dutch are part of the community, also the French....
Medical flights under the 'Flag of Geneva'
 Donkeys are the 'motors' of transport in general...
... the increased security allows people to be safe(r) in the streets again.
 A local 'gas-station' , and a textile and shoes shop below. 
But realize...it doesn't come for nothing....

                                                Let's go to Mali impressions and article on page 2i

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